Friday, January 13, 2012

Veiled Romance

I kept hearing about Water for Elephants. Hearing people rave about the book then loving the movie so I reserved the movie at the library and just finished it. Wow, seriously? Our definition of romance has become an illicit affair that ends with a death and then happily ever after? I'm so sick of Hollywood glamorizing extramarital affairs. The majority of the movie is this woman teasing this other man while she's still married. Nothing romantic about that to me at all. And I wish more people would voice this opinion.
Let's look at real life since most of us aren't travelling with a circus and riding an elephant for our day job. Happily married couple becomes not so happy in the marriage. One person finds another. A second glance becomes a third, longer, gaze, and sin starts to run rampant. Why is temporary lust so powerful over our human flesh? And why is this becoming romance? Why has a lovely pure image of love that is a lasting marriage have to be tarnished with a movie that shows the ugly sinful affair for 95% of it? It does not include a string symphony in the background music. I'm sure none of us are running around in skimpy silk robes that veil sequined stringy leotards either. I'm sick of it, in case you couldn't tell. And of course, the elephant to the rescue to KILL the husband while he's trying to KILL his wife. What.a.romance.
Real love, in my humble opinion, is the everyday. Brad and I just had to sit down with a child and lay down the law today. We did it together. I love him for that. He loves me even though I'm gimping around the house right now with both my ankles about the sizes of apples. No sexy sway to these hips ladies and gentlemen.
I hope more movies will show that an investment in a struggling marriage results in greater happiness for that couple in the end. Show a husband and wife about to call it quits then finding help. And not with cheesy Growing Pains guy either. Please. You've made a vow before God in marrying someone. Value that.
In case you're in my area, some lovely wise friends are doing a seminar the evening of January 27th through January 28th designed to help couples on the edge. Here's the link:  I encourage you to use this resource or find others like it.
Don't hear what I'm not saying. The movie portrays an abusive marriage and I DO NOT advocate women staying in that kind of situation. I'm against the betrayal that was portrayed while the marriage was still intact. In an abusive relationship? Get out. Get help. Then move on in life. Boy meets girl should not happen again while still with bad boy.
Feeling like I need to watch The Notebook....

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Thanks Jen, you just helped me decide to NOT rent it. I was pondering renting it or not.
