Monday, January 16, 2012

Lauren Nugget

We decided after this perfectly beautiful day to rent a movie and enjoy some ice cream while we watched it. So with Winnie the Pooh in hand from the RedBox, we drove to DQ for our treats. Usually when we drive past our old Hallmark shop, Lauren asks why she got frogs for her birthday. This refers to her African Swimming frogs on her dresser that were a gift on her 3rd birthday. I took her to Hallmark to pick out just the ones she wanted and they have lived happily ever after in her girl land ever since. After answering a million why questions, she starts telling us sometimes she wants to eat her frogs! Then reassures us she knows humans don't eat creatures....silly little girl :)

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha - so cute! She is an amazing little thinker, isn't she??? Love that grandbaby!
