Yesterday my mom, Brad, and I took the girls to a puppet theater to see a production of Strega Nona. Being one of my favorite children's books, I was really looking forward to seeing it come alive. I remember being read this book while growing up and now I read it to my girls. The play was so well done and just hilarious! I love a good children's show that includes laughs for the adults.
I feel like that point has been trampled by writers for children's movies. I will not let my kids watch Shrek and I'm cautious in letting them see any movie by the same writers or producers. Anytime a joke is written in that only an adult would get because of its crude nature kills the movie for me. I looked up the word sanctity before including it in this title. It means holiness or godliness, something sacred. I believe there is something godly, holy, about the purity of childhood. Why taint that with a disgusting reference to lust or saying ass instead of using donkey? Children laugh when you laugh, they learn what humor is from adults. I want to preserve my daughter's purity in every way for as long as possible. Their purity of mind will keep them from traveling many harmful avenues in life.
One thing I love about visiting this theater is that the children's laughter is so audible :) In a movie theater, the volume is so loud you really just hear the movie. But when a puppet makes a joke, the kids roar with laughter and cheer for the puppet with clapping! It's so much fun! I hope my girls know how much I love their laughter and how important it is to laugh. I hope we have more fun times like yesterday, enjoying something for our whole family. Today I'm thankful for wholesome fun :)
nice blog...