I forgot. As a mom, I try to remember every word uttered from my children's mouths that makes me laugh or smile or my heart swell because it's the most precious thing they could ever say. I think my mom can remember every phrase I said until I was 7 that made her laugh. And I forgot.
When Lauren turned 4, we took away her binky. We talked about it a lot in the months leading up to her birthday and she knew that on October 15, 2010, she would suck her bink for the last time. She was ready and there was no arguing or crying or fussing...like magic :) I was fully prepared for tears and lots of comforting and reassuring her she was a big girl but instead, Brad and I looked at each other and told each other she was growing up. A few days after her birthday, she told us she missed it and that she really liked her binky so we talked about it, reminisced about the good old days when bedtime meant binky time, and she would go back to bed. One day she brought up how she had liked the way it tasted so I asked, "What did it taste like?". "It tastes like God". My sweet precious baby girl, at 4 years old, said one of the cutest things I'd ever heard her say! So of course I would remember it until the day I died...right? Wrong. With the busyness of life, it simply disappeared from my memories. At a New Year's Eve party this year, a friend brought up that little phrase and I almost cried because I had forgotten it.
Hence, a blog became a new year's resolution! Hopefully this will be a place where I can jot down those sweet words and thoughts that I think but, as a stay at home mom, don't regularly have someone around to tell them to. I hope some of you smile or think differently after reading what I write but it's mostly for me. So I can look back and be refreshed by the sweet blessings God has given me or be reminded of lessons God has loved me through.
This year holds a lot in it for our family. We will be saying good bye to Brad for a bit while he goes to AMS to become an officer, selling our home, joining my husband in Florida for 10 months while he completes tech school to become an air battle manager, following him to St. Louis for 3 months for his job training, then moving back to our little town to buy another home and go back to normal life. I don't want to forget this special time and I hope to journal a bit so I can look back. Hopefully this will become an "every few days" journal....
Jennifer, I love your blog and look forward to the special moments you write out. Thank you for sharing that precious moment with us.