Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little Lauren nugget

Brad just reminded me of this very funny story so I had to jot it down while it was in the ole memory bank. We can't remember Lauren's exact age but I don't think she was quite 3. It was around the age where it's funny to teach them silly phrases that they have no idea what they mean but they'll say them over and over....so Brad taught Lauren "Mom! Meatloaf!" from Wedding Crashers. Not thinking this was hilarious or that Lauren would, I let it go. So she's in the cart as we're wheeling around Wal-Mart and she starts yelling at me "Mom! Meatloaf!!" and laughing hysterically, over and over what seemed like forever (probably 2-3 minutes)!!! I was so embarrassed but it cracks us up now :)

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